I didn't think giving him my blog link would turn into a number exchange...
Although I probably shouldn't be talking like this OR about this it makes good sweat tea and my goodness, it all happened so gracefully. Now, the time I'm sitting here I keep looking over at my phone wondering if I'll get a "Hey" text. Anyway, Let me get back to the point. So there's been this cutie who's been working in the same building as I and MANNN not to sound thirsty but the kid is gawgoussss. Something I usually just look at and don't even think anymore of.
It all started when my co-worker made us exchange names a few weeks ago. Mind you, he's been working in my building for a month and a few weeks now and we just casually catch eyes, nothing more nothing less...just catch eyes well; until we exchanged names, then we still didn't speak. He'd just make his presence more noticeable.....then we gradually moved up to saying goodbye whenever he left my building. It all moved quickly.
The next week he was sending people my way to just make me laugh or tell me a joke that would be sent from him or have someone come ask for something from me. It was cute, he was shy and that was cute. I like SHY. Me being me, I never spoke on more than he allowed, I didn't want to explore more without his permission so I was just as if not more casual with him back. Also, I had Brad (the bf) so, I didn't play into it at all.
Now we're here. It's been a few weeks of small talk and he just bust out and ask "what do you do all day?" and I smiled at him wondering why the hell he would ask that when he sees me every single day since he's been here doing my job. It was strange but a shy strange I was just appreciating the fact that he wasn't like the usual guys who were either too bold or too quiet. It was just right plus again, he was easy on the eye so if he said nothing I was okay. I enjoy the yummy creatures the big man above creates man or woman. He looked over at my computer ALLL in my personal space trying to see what I was doing which at the moment was a bunch of nothing. "What are you doing? you're on facebook? checking your email?...reading a blog?" I felt like he had overheard me talking about my blog before to someone else and just threw it out there.
For the longest I had no clue where this kid came from. He was too old to be in high school and definitely didn't look like he had graduated college but I never ruled it out, I just made a point to ask whenever the opportunity presented itself and one day it did. Actually two days ago to be exact. I asked if he went to a neighboring college in area but then explained he was indeed in college but out of state. I then let whatever thoughts I had of him burn. There was no way I could now take him seriously in any aspect. So, he then explained that he went to a HBCU at that and that was only more salt around my rim.
After that I guess seeing him kinda made me not so disappointed anymore. Which made it interesting when he asked if I read blogs. I then told him that I have a blog actually and he asked what do I write about which was what I wanted! I guess he could see the spark in my eye because he smiled. To me, I thought, hell. At least he can read my blog out of state and he'll also see my fire blog post and him seeing my talent meant more than any phone call or text message could amount to.That's how I felt with anybody though. My craft made me different, my creativity and mindset was dope so with any and everybody, viewing what I had passion for meant everything to me.I reached for his phone when he asked me to give him the link to my blog. I searched the Google search engine for my blog while he stood there quietly for a few moments before blabbing out "You can put your number in there too if you want."
I looked up at him lost for words for the first time ever with him. I didn't know exactly what to say. I could hear Romney in my head saying "OMG! What about Brad?" but no tea,no shade I haven't talked to Brad collectively in a days so right now, screw brad was what I was thinking before I put my number into his phone and saved it.I didn't comment on putting my number in his phone, if he looked for it, he'd find it. Simple. Now, we'll just see what will happen with the chronicles and the upward bound.
Plus, I am in control of the way the boat floats and I wouldn't do that to brad, I know how to behave..