Thursday, October 2, 2014

Read Receipt | By Yours Truly

I never ever, ever like to be brought to this point but some things just can't go without mention and today I have a receipt to read with someone's name on it. I'm to classy to put either party out but I hope that they clutch their pearls tighter than I did when they read this. Now, I take two things seriously and not to be misconstrued and that's my friends and my man. You mess with either, we got problems. Now, it becomes a a very big deal as well as distasteful when I consider someone a "friend"  and they burn me. Now, this situation...I don't really consider her my friend, not that she's every done anything to cross me outside of her mileage count but I just don't hang out with her often like I do with my "friends" so, sorry she missed the cut but a few falling points. NOW, let me get to the tea, someone I do consider my friend felt the need to let me in on something that I didn't know about the man I'm suppose to be "building" my relationship with & the tea I received was so sweet that, that sh!t was nasty. I mean it caught me completely left field, not because I didn't think either of them wouldn't do that because they both are woes (but a H where the W is) but the fact that a woman who prounces around as if we are cool, talking to me whenever seeing fit didn't think it was a good idea to tell me, his girlfriend (at the time) that she was having "relations" with the one I claimed mine. 

Now, that's one thing I just can't respect. I know dudes will do anything with anybody but I think highly of myself and because I do.. I expect my partner to do so as well and to stoop down to that level of boding someone who is less than a zero, is just beyond insulting to me which is why I had to X him for good. There were things leading up but this was the breaking point, no actually the breaking point was that a grown man would call himself "breaking up" with me due to a picture on instagram I had up at my friends kickback. Im so thankful to God that I had a nice amount of turn up juice that night because otherwise, I would have played into his stupid, immature games that I'm to good for. So really, him texting me the BS that night didn't mean anything to me for two reasons. 1. It was childish, like, who really assumes things on IG outside of petty females? Its interesting that he was in such a uproar about my innoncent picture being that he was posting his ex as his "Women Crush Wednesday" as well as the chick he "Really" likes (I'm just reporting what was on the page) and no, I didn't say anything to him about it simply because they didn't matter to me. I can't see myself getting upset about something on a social network period unless it's involving me and that...chile, didn't involve me. Reason number 2 and it happens to be my favorite is the kid who was in my picture, I don't even really know...we just have a mutual friend in common and it was a kickback so.....?? but the cherry on top I DON'T EVEN HAVE HIS NUMBER. I just really learned his name and boy did we fall out with laughter when I told him what my ex thought about our oh so sexy picture LMFAO! 

I'm hilarious. However, the moral to the story is: 
  1. I found out this information all in one night so of course I was feeling myself 
  2. Woes gon' be Woes so you can't blame Tammy 
  3. I prayed a few nights before that God would take anyone out of my life who's not good for me and well, look at GAWD. 
  4. Never trust a tooooo-friendly chick 
  5. Never trust a guy who's been with everybody 
  6. If she wants you, she's had him (that'll probably go over your head) 
  8. I know I'm over it because I'm not phased 
  9. All in All I had a awesome weekend and I'm glad I didn't let anything or anyone ruin it. 
  10. If he's not for you. God will show Y O U 



Thursday, September 25, 2014

Social Media Madness!

So usually I try not to take time out to get really raw because I try to stay as professional as always at all times but one thing that has enraged me is social media. It's to the point where I wish that it didn't exist. Is it a good branding option? yes but people use it to: 

  1. Break people down
  2. Assume something that has nothing to do with anything. 
  3. Speak negatively on situations and people they don't know about 
  4. Ruin someone's credibility
People have let social media go completely to their heads. It has become a hurtful and negative place. Now, anybody saying anything isn't safe from the cruel world of social media. It's annoying that people go to social media to vent about everything that should be kept private. I learned a while ago, something I don't want the world to know I won't put out. If I don't mean it, I won't say it. It's all about taking accountability for your actions and your words and when you look at things that way you have no choice but to watch yourself more closely. This rant stemmed from a celebrity issue and something recently that just made me think "Are you serious?" since when did social media become validation for anything in life? Since when did people opinions matter so much? Why do we allow ourselves to get to this point when did we allow a device to control our lives?

 I say that because what would a day consist of outside of your phone? YOU WOULD LOSE YOUR MIND. I know because I've fallen victim until I realized how much I was missing by staring at my screen all day long. I'm so afraid for us, because very little seems to value  important things in life. I understand that some things are used for advancement but why is it every single time I log into Facebook I see a fight or someone getting exposed? Why is it every time I'm on Instagram there's someone posting a meme (I have before too) making fun of someone or their situation? and twitter, everybody feels their Iyanla Fix My Life trying to put their input on something NOT pertaining to them. 

I sit back and it saddens me... all of this sh*t saddens me. I want so much for my generation but we are SO LOST. We have clearly forgot about what's important and no I'm not perfect however I'm mature, I'm learning and lastly NOT TRYING TO MAKE THE SAME MISTAKES AGAIN.  Apply yourself, be honest with yourself and take care of yourself. Hurt people, hurt people and it's a lot of social media bullying going on that needs to come to a end. 

I have a birthday in two weeks that I'm completely nervous for because although it's another year God granted me it's time I woman up and take care of business. I want so much for myself and my family and I'm at a point (in my mind) that time is running out and I need to start handling things. Time waits for no man and every action affects you whether then or down the road so I'm making a vow to not bash or subtweet or meme anything negative because at the end of the day it effects me. So, if I get boring OH WELL. There's always vxnbhr that you can rely on.  Anyway I'm done with my rant this is another one of those things that I just had to speak on. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Amber Rose and Wiz | Over Rover

Welp, 14 months later...she beat Kim ! 

I always thought that they were a odd couple anyway but the love between the two was undeniable. So it's little shocking that it's over so quickly. Especially with a child so young some how I have a feeling these two will either work it out or master this thing called co-parenting. Do I think she and Nick Cannon will go public? absolutely not. Will they mess around? I don't think I have to answer that but the laugh is the embarrassment Mariah Carey must feel knowing that her soon to be ex-husband is in the tabloids as being the cause of the split! Ouch ! This is really a mess and turned into one quickly at that. I guess we'll just have to see what will happen...not that I was really here for neither one of them. I love Muva Rosebud, she's dope but that's just not my type of tea....*sips*

Kris and Bruce Jenner Headed To Divorce Court!

There's another divorce taking place in The Kardashian franchise....

I guess 11 months of being separated was not enough for the couple. Kris Jenner filed for divorce this month via E online news. I knew eventually Bruce would get tired of Kris bossy ways because a few weeks later he followed up and filed as well. I know Bruce is all types of fed up dealing with all of the drama that follows being famous, especially in this family. I'm almost positive the camera's will be rolling throughout this divorce mess in classic Kardashian fashion. Being that both of them have made alot of money seperately and build an empire together with the Keeping Up with The Kardashian Show I know things can and more than likely will get ugly. I'm just surprised that nobody is tired of the camera's being in there face in their most intimate times I forget this family lives for all things FAMED. I wish the best for Bruce....Kris, well she'll find her way...

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Rachet Review | Love and Hip Hop Hollywood Episode Two

Okay, so lets just get to it. Moniece is very crazy which we already knew however I find it funny that Fizz is more afraid of Moniece than his girlfriend is but am I the only one who felt like Moniece was talking to herself more than his GF Amanda when she first got to the table? Trying to calm herself down from hurting that girl that was funny. Bottom line they both have a point, no mother really wants another woman trying to tell her how to be a fit mom but then again the Amanda wasn't lying. Moniece isn't really there for her son.
Nikki, baby...if you don't have several seats chile. Lol I actually like Nikki's energy she's a go getter even though it is her family's empire. She really reminds be of the boss on the old reality show Candy Girls so I will say her storyline is pretty intriguing. Anyway, this whole relationship with Mally Mal is completely beyond messy especially since he's seeing that other chick on the side and both girls are every bit of headstrong. What I'm not here for his Soulja Boy's relationship with his girlfriend, just when I thought the boy was growing out he showed his ass and two, it's really hard to believe that Nia didn't know about that picture being that it was taken so long ago. Mona has got to come harder than that. The only one giving her a run for her money is psycho Teairra Mari, that girl has anger issues. I thought she was so amped because she loved ray, nah she likes to fight. Baby girl goes 0-100 real quick. I'm glad Hazel E finally talked her out of kinda getting Ray's name off. She ended up just putting XO in front of it, I'm not sure how that came about but looked cheap and horrible.
Yung Berg won't be on next season, his character is just as trash as he is. The way that he disrespects Hazel E is embarrassing and the way that she just takes it is even worse. Hazel needs some help or something, especially to have dealt with that dude for such a long time. I really hope that she finds somebody next season if she makes the cut. The way that the episode ended was kinda petty, I do not enjoy these cliff hangers.  SN: If you every catch the episode of them doing commentary while watching the new episodes are so so so soooo funny. The shade is too real. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Tatted Fo' Life ! | Hip Hop Hollywood Couple Ink It !

Love and Hip Hop Stars Omarion and Apryl Jones have decided to show it's "Real" by tattooing each others name on each other which has been a popular thing to do since Rick Ross's single Free Spirit dropped. To bad I couldn't blame my first real love's name on that single, we inked each other way before the song came out. All I can do is wish them well with that, if not covers up are the DEVIL. They hurt worse than ever LOL! In other news, the couple decided to get it over the weekend Apryl inked "Omari" Omarion's nickname while he inked "April" on the back on his neck. I'm guessing Apryl's legal name is April? I'm not sure but he inked it so....

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Engaged!! Bow wow and Erica Mena Are Headed Down The Aisle

Bow wow is Headed to The Love and Hip Hop Cast ...So I believe

Word on the street is that rapper Bow wow aka Shad Moss has decided to put a ring on it to Ms.Erica Mena! Lord knows nobody saw this coming probably due to the fact that nobody really knew that they were dating but of course it's believed to be all for next seasons Love and Hip Hop New York edition. Erica Mena is a main cast member on the show and now that she and Rich Dollaz are no longer together and nobody believe her lesbian relationship with Cyn Santana was for anything more than rating I'm sure this is just another stunt in preparation for the show. Seeing some of the women that Shad has dated in the past it's really hard to think that he would even make Erica Mena his girlfriend let along get married but we shall see what will happen with this couple. If this stunt was done to help add hype for this new season I'm really excited to see what's in store. Messy Mona knows how to run a franchise !