Thursday, September 25, 2014

Social Media Madness!

So usually I try not to take time out to get really raw because I try to stay as professional as always at all times but one thing that has enraged me is social media. It's to the point where I wish that it didn't exist. Is it a good branding option? yes but people use it to: 

  1. Break people down
  2. Assume something that has nothing to do with anything. 
  3. Speak negatively on situations and people they don't know about 
  4. Ruin someone's credibility
People have let social media go completely to their heads. It has become a hurtful and negative place. Now, anybody saying anything isn't safe from the cruel world of social media. It's annoying that people go to social media to vent about everything that should be kept private. I learned a while ago, something I don't want the world to know I won't put out. If I don't mean it, I won't say it. It's all about taking accountability for your actions and your words and when you look at things that way you have no choice but to watch yourself more closely. This rant stemmed from a celebrity issue and something recently that just made me think "Are you serious?" since when did social media become validation for anything in life? Since when did people opinions matter so much? Why do we allow ourselves to get to this point when did we allow a device to control our lives?

 I say that because what would a day consist of outside of your phone? YOU WOULD LOSE YOUR MIND. I know because I've fallen victim until I realized how much I was missing by staring at my screen all day long. I'm so afraid for us, because very little seems to value  important things in life. I understand that some things are used for advancement but why is it every single time I log into Facebook I see a fight or someone getting exposed? Why is it every time I'm on Instagram there's someone posting a meme (I have before too) making fun of someone or their situation? and twitter, everybody feels their Iyanla Fix My Life trying to put their input on something NOT pertaining to them. 

I sit back and it saddens me... all of this sh*t saddens me. I want so much for my generation but we are SO LOST. We have clearly forgot about what's important and no I'm not perfect however I'm mature, I'm learning and lastly NOT TRYING TO MAKE THE SAME MISTAKES AGAIN.  Apply yourself, be honest with yourself and take care of yourself. Hurt people, hurt people and it's a lot of social media bullying going on that needs to come to a end. 

I have a birthday in two weeks that I'm completely nervous for because although it's another year God granted me it's time I woman up and take care of business. I want so much for myself and my family and I'm at a point (in my mind) that time is running out and I need to start handling things. Time waits for no man and every action affects you whether then or down the road so I'm making a vow to not bash or subtweet or meme anything negative because at the end of the day it effects me. So, if I get boring OH WELL. There's always vxnbhr that you can rely on.  Anyway I'm done with my rant this is another one of those things that I just had to speak on. 

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