Tuesday, April 22, 2014


There's always that one guy you'll never forget. He's the one that comes to mind when you meet someone new..although you may say you're over him; he ends up on your brain at any given time or moment. That one guy you still pray to God and wonder about. Yeah, we all inquire him. Whether he comes to you when you're young or old he's there. That guy you're still afraid to run into because you're not sure what will happen...that's who I'm talking about. THAT GUY! My question to the girls who know & conquer...how do you get over him? He's came back into my life and now I'm dealing with those feelings. He may not be here in flesh to tell me but as always...I'm in need of clarity. I'm not sure if I should go forward or step back. Most say "why go in the past?" But why not? He's the very reason I fell in love with LOVE to begin with. I'm sure he wishes if not me more that things didn't effect me like this. I still kinda wish he was here when I woke up... And as much as I say I want to hate him, I can't. He's the very reason I know everything I do...and as much as I love him, I simply don't need him. I feel like the one for me will do any and everything and he's not. That lesson was bound to come with time...just all depending on how I took it. All though, right now I don't need him...he'll be able to realize why I loved him to begin with.


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