Monday, June 2, 2014

The Roller Coaster Mom vs The New Normal

It's interesting to see two woman use a roller coaster as different views on Motherhood and Marriage. The conversation started when one of the young ladies asked the room how many kids did they want. Just a general question not thinking deeply into it. People in the room started shouting out numbers "2...1....4.." the young lady asked her friend when she walked in how many children did she want and the woman answered "2". Her friend laughed a little and blurted out that she wanted three children. Her friend immediately shook her head at her and laughed telling her that she thought all kids who grew up without siblings wanted three kids. She, herself thought that it wouldn't be fair, saying that if they got on a roller coaster the third child would be alone forcing them to ride with a stranger. Well, her friend didn't exact have that vision, she said she thought it would be even because two of the kids can sit together and she could sit with the other child leaving her friends to ask the question of ....where was her husband? and she replied with.."I don't know, I didn't envision a husband." 

Now, this girl is not gay, very far from it but it's interesting that in this day and time it's so easy to see yourself raising a child on your own. Where have we gone wrong  these days that we now can see something that was once very uncommon as normality. Marriages in this day and time aren't sacred. It's completely normal and accepted for women and men to be single parents when in actuality they have no clue how much that effects their children and I can speak on that because I'm a child of a single parent. I've noticed that nobody is taking time out to really get to know each other anymore. Everything is about sex appeal until that gets old and then it's on to the next individual. To me,  "The Roller Coaster Mom" is the woman who still plays by the rules, someone who's vintage. The roller coaster mom still believes in marriage, and motherhood. While also not settling for deception or unfaithful behavior from her partner. She is consumed with "The Golden Principles"  that even if the ride is bumpy, she still stays on. Today, it's a lot easier to wipe your hands with a situation and walk into something else with someone new and create a continuous cycle which has; to me become the new normal. Interesting conversation, Just something to think on. How can we change this cycle? #Questionsthatneedanswers

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