Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A Dream Wedding | Mrs & Mr. Kanye West

Congrats are in order ! 

Finally! A wedding has taken place saturday for the nuptials. With 600 guest there NOT including The Carter's who were somewhere relaxing due to the shady pic Beyonce posted , Kim and Kanye West hard a hard time trying to top their infamous dinner rehearsal the night before. Both said their "I do's" infront of a speechless scenery from the Forte di Belvedere in Paris, France. Yaas, Kanye showed his ass for Kim! with fireworks and beautiful life size flower walls similar to the one that Kanye got Kim for Mothers Day. E! was the first to post the official pictures of the newly weds with Kim disappointing me in a long,laced, embellished gown with a train made from the GAWDS. I personally think she should've ditched the dress and just killed it with the train. I just think she could've done better, even pulled out last years dress maybe? I don't know. I think Kanye had ALOT to do with that damn dress but moving on, he on the other hand showed up and out in a tailored crisp black suit with a white shirt complimented by a black bow tie. It was definitely a bow tie affair. At the receptions it's said that Kanye went on a 20 minute rant confessing his love and "public warfare" ...someone please cut his mic ! calling the Kardashians a "Industry" and kim his "Ideal celebrity and the ideal art." *Side eye* Chile, gon. However, All in all I wish the West Family the best! 

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