Thursday, May 1, 2014


I know I'm late but I had to know my facts before I spoke on this matter.. 

I'm honestly not even a serious NBA fan I just like really enjoy watching the Lakers and I could definitely care a lot less about the LA Clippers BUT this entire Donald Sterling situation is something I definitely wanted to address. First, I want to start by saying that the damage that this man has done not only breaks my heart for the black team players but I can only imagine the embarrassment that  the other guys feel knowing this information. I am happy that all his rights as a team owner have been taken away. He will not be able to carry a league pass, attend games or practices, be in any facilities and he's banned from NBA organization meetings and a nice 2.5 million to a billionaire? He spends that on his side chick I would imagine. While all the comments were interesting to read it was Mark Cuban's statement that caused major side eye from me however it definitely opened my eyes to see that Don Sterling isn't the first nor the only man in the NBA who feels this way or agrees with those views. 

Racist is a very strong word to use in this situation to me for a few different reasons. I'm African American and I really do believe that he thinks lower of the black community but I wouldn't exactly call it hate. I don't think he would have had a sexual affair with a woman who was half black or have members on his team that were black. I just think he was born into a sickening family and grew up believing that we were below him. Doesn't make it right, just have to pray for people who are unaware or too careless to think or have remorse for the venom that they speak on people. My mother was really surprised that something like this was getting this much publicity however, due to a study done in 2008-2009 almost 82% of the NBA is black and sports is a man's best friend. In sports, there aren't many who see color anymore and I think for this situation in this day and time it really spoke volumes to the NBA  community. 

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