Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Kenn Espinosa | A Name To Get Use To

And if you don't know now you know....

I really just want to give a super shout out to someone who I have a pleasure of calling fashion friend. It was Saturday afternoon while I was at my part-time (Guess) that I heard Kenn say through our walkie talkies to vote for his dress. Being that I live and breath anything fashion I pulled him aside and asked the question of what dress is this that we are voting for? and he said follow me on Instagram. So last night, I went and took a look at his Instagram and was simply applaud with all the beautiful garments he's created. Some which included my Guess Manager's Wedding Dress that was simply beautiful and featured below. With all that being said, PLEASE go follow Kenn Espinosa (@ street_stalker). You will not be disappointed, and while your at it vote for his beautiful black dress. To vote for the black dress below text 741383 to 22333

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