Friday, May 2, 2014

Sticky Places

Losing a friend at anytime in your life is easy whether it's death or just time to move on. It's crazy how sometimes we already think the worse or negative and when it happens we are upset & hurt about it. We expected it so why does hurt? I guess because it's the actual realization that it happen. That something you once trust and built fell apart..that's disappointing whether you thought it would happen or not and it's actually okay to deal with those emotions so that later you aren't dealing with pinned up angry and aggression towards them. It's better to deal with it now especially if you've done your part to fight for relationship IF you cared that much about it. If you've exhausted all outlets let it go. Pat yourself on the back because you've done all that you could. No need to give yourself a headache about people who aren't even thinking about you. 

Word from the wise....

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